Payments Assistant Manager (PAM)

Discover the brand new Payments Assistant Manager (PAM) from WebHotelier & primalRES. Join thousands of hotels and resorts already saving time and money!

Payments Assistant Manager (PAM)

Turbocharge your hotel's payment management efficiency With our brand new Payments Assistant Manager (PAM). It's fast, simple and you're gonna love it!

Why do I need this?

  • Save Time
    Perform credit card pre-auths, guest payments & refunds via WebHotelier instead of doing everything manually via a POS.
  • Save Money
    Available not just for direct bookings but for channel bookings as well, PAM keeps your administrative costs to a minimum.
  • Eliminate Mistakes
    Track down pending pre-auths, payments & refunds easily with the daily use of our advanced Payments Report.

Contact us for a quote today!